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Welcome to the "Is It Just Me?" podcast with Layla K and MJ. This is the podcast about just about any topic where we ask the question, “Is It Just Me?"

Dec 23, 2021

Just in time for the holidays, successful serial entrepreneur, and entertainer extraordinaire, Patty Gamboa joins Layla K and MJ to discuss food, community, and more.  Patty shares expert tips for creating moments, milestones, and memories, in ANY environment!

Is it just me? Or are we better together?

Be sure to follow...

Dec 8, 2021

LaylaK and MJ bring on Mr. Jason Gilmore, Head of Human Resources at Ascentage Pharma, to shed light on "The Great Resignation". Why are so many people leaving their jobs, ghosting employers, and even choosing not to work?

Have an “Is It Just Me” idea? Thoughts on today’s conversation? Join us on Twitter or

Nov 24, 2021

We recorded this ep right before Black Friday, while we also watched container ships, just WAITING to deliver great goods to us, log jammed, right off-shore.

#LaylaKandMJ brought in an expert to help us understand the situation. Mr. Ian Moore has spent over 20 years in the logistics, procurement, and supply chain space,...

Nov 10, 2021

There is a particular nuance about social media that Layla thinks deserves a closer look: the etiquette and management of the all important “Follow". MJ begs to differ with her approach. What do you think?

Have an “Is It Just Me” idea? Thoughts on today’s conversation? Join us on Twitter or Instagram. And be...

Oct 27, 2021

Doomscrolling,  actually a “thing”, is defined by Merriam Webster as “referring to the tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening, disheartening, or depressing.” And MJ is over it. Moreover, she’s over the just-sharing bad news! Have an “Is It Just Me”...